I am a 38yo wife, mother, friend & sister. I have been married for 17 years, and I have two children: Music (formerly Karate Kid) my 14yo son, and Drama Queen, my 12yo daughter.
I saw this over at Miss Zoot's. Please play along by either leaving yours in the comments or a link to your blog.
My 5 Weird Habits:
1. I count the sides of objects. I know, that's a little OCD. When I count the sides, I don't count each side seperately, and I count the face of the object. In my weird world of counting, a stop sign has 6 sides/surfaces. Go figure. Oh! And I wiggle my toes as I count.
2. My food cannot ever, ever touch. I prefer eating off of divided plates just to keep all of the juices where they belong.
3. I don't take my clothes off inside out when I undress. If something accidentally gets turned inside out, even a shirt cuff, I have to turn it right side out before I can put it in the laundry basket.
4. I cannot make myself say "Ain't." The only time I can ever say it is if I am singing along with a song on the radio.
5. Once I start a book, I MUST finish it, even if I hate it.
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1:28 PM ~