I am a 38yo wife, mother, friend & sister. I have been married for 17 years, and I have two children: Music (formerly Karate Kid) my 14yo son, and Drama Queen, my 12yo daughter.
Last night when I was outside with the puppy trying (unsuccessfully) to get her to go to the bathroom before I went to bed, I noticed lightning off in the distance. For those of you who don't know me, I love, love, LOVE storms. Love. Them. I never want a tornado to hit or anything like that, but I love the thunder and lightning. There's something so energizing and exciting about storms.
Karate Kid and I went out to the hammock while we were waiting on the dog. I was afraid he would see the lightning. As much as I LOVE storms, he FEARS storms. He is completely unable to be still or focus on anything else but the storm, even if it is miles away from us and in no danger of coming our way. The poor child literally paces the floor. We try and try (and try!) to reassure him, but it doesn't do any good. Thankfully the lightning was far off enough that he couldn't see it without being directed to look in the appropriate direction. As we were lying there, he asked me if it was going to storm. As much as I would love to protect him, I am totally and completely against lying. I told him that it might because I had seen lightning (see what an evil mother I am? Hee Hee.). We spent the next few minutes watching the lightning, and he did amazingly well. Probably because it was so far away it was hard to see, it was pretty infrequent, and we never heard any thunder.
Back to my love of storms. Apparently it came through while I was asleep because I woke up to blinking clocks telling me there had been a power failure. For some reason my alarm clock never lost power but things in the kitchen did. Did I hear a single roll of thunder? No. Did I see a strike of lightning? No. Was I upset that I missed it? Yes, yes, yes. Apparently we were all tired because not even Karate Kid woke me up, and I can always count on him. I told The Hubster recently that we don't need a weather alert radio, we've got K.K.
There's hope for the rest of the day, though, because apparently we still have a chance for more storms to pop up. I guess I better get The Hubster's Father's Day present now while the sun is shining so I can sit back and enjoy the nature show later.
Posted @
7:53 AM ~